Sponsors & Supporters

The board would like to thank the following individuals and companies who have been supportive of the museum.
The board would like to thank the following individuals and companies who have been supportive of the museum.
If your firm would like to support the museum - you can download the membership form here, or complete the application form at the bottom of the page. If you would like to donate to the museum you can also use the Square button.
Donate using Square
Lochindorb Estate
JOIN US - become a corporate member
If your firm would like to support the museum - you can download the membership form here, or complete the online form below.
Membership fees are :
Silver £25, Gold £50, Platinum £100, Life £500
these can be paid in any of the following ways -
- cheque (payable to Grantown Museum & Heritage Trust),
- pay online using Square (use the buttons below)
Use Square to pay online
Fill out my online form.